How to Teach Kids to Pack for Vacation
We’ve been busy this week gearing up for our family vacation to the beach! With two big kids (one teen and one tween) we are always looking for ways to help them grow and learn, packing for a trip is no different. So as we look to escape to the beach for a few days we tasked the kids with their own packing.
Planning our Family Vacation
First things first, we needed to get the trip planned and budgeted for. Five years ago we went to the west coast and the kids saw the ocean for the first time. They adored it. Since then we’ve been talking about going to the beach again. About 6 months ago we starting dreaming about our family vacation for this year. We asked the kids and decided to go to the beach again, gulf coast this time. Three months ago we booked a VRBO with some of our extended family to help share the cost and get some priceless cousin time for the kids. Two months ago we booked the flight, and reserved a rental car.
If this all sounds incredibly deliberate, it was. I used our Intentional Living Tool Your Vacation Planner (the link to the shop is above) to help plan all the travel details. This trip could have become a stressful dynamic because two other families are involved. Everything has been easy peasy since the planner drives our thinking, actions and therefore spending.
Time to pack for Vacation
Now we’re within a week and I can set the kids to packing for themselves. The packing is happens across a few days. Not to get to teachery on you but this allows the kids to spread out their learning as it pertains to travel packing. All of these steps can happen in a day, that’s what I plan to do! But the kids haven’t traveled as much, so they need more time to process the steps. They start their packing about four days in advance of the trip.
4 Days before Vacation
A few days before departure, we’ve asked them to take out the following:
- Their Suitcase
- Toiletry Bag
- Tech bag (a zip top cubed pencil case)
- Backpack
Laundry is done by both kids at this point so we help manage their schedule to insure everything was washed and ready for packing.
3 Days before Vacation
The kids lay out all their daytime clothes for vacation to include travel wear. For this trip we’re flying so we talked about the importance of comfy shoes and layers at the airport. After, I just took a quick glance over what they chose, making sure they had the right number of tops, shorts, etc.
At this point I give them a healthy amount of freedom. If they don’t pack a jacket, then that means they may get wet if it rains. Getting a little wet in a rain shower isn’t life or death so I don’t push the issue. Plus if they get wet and are slightly uncomfortable then they may pack a jacket next time. I determine in my head, as the parent, what are non negotiable issues for me. Then for the rest I just take a deep breath and tell my uber-structured self to let them learn by experience.
2 Days before Vacation
Now it’s time to pack toiletry bags as best as we can. This gives us time to head to the store and grab anything last minute. I give both the kids a healthy amount of freedom here as well, only requiring the most obvious items. Meanwhile, in my bag are the ear swaps, tweezers, toothpaste and whatever else the kids may have forgotten.
1 Day before Vacation
Today is the day Mr. PDH and I pack our suitcases. The kids, on the other hand, just pack their undies, pj’s and backpacks. Once this last step is complete, I give everything one final quick glance to make sure their “numbers” are right if you know what I mean.
Under the seat carry-on for vacation.
Somewhat exclusive to traveling with big kids is their potential need for personal electronic devices. The kids have a special pencil-case dedicated to all their devices cords, their tech bag. I will even put little pieces of tape on one set of cords to help keep everything separate. Once we get to our location Mr. PDH and I will charge all devices in our bedroom at night (just like we do at home) so we can help keep track of everything.
Additionally, the kids will have books, wallets (with no more than $20), snacks and water (which we buy once we get through security). They’ll have their devices and headphones/ear buds as well.
We lay out the tech bags on the counter the night before and pack them the morning of travel. Depending on airport departure, we pack the suitcases in the car or have them ready by the door for toiletry bags in the morning.
As parents we try to prepare our kids for the adventures of adulthood as best as we can. Trip planning and packing is a great way to teach life skills like budgeting, organizing, planning ahead and being prepared. We want our children to love the joys of travel and keeping it as stress free as possible is an important part. Given their age we are very transparent about the entire trip cost as well as the budget while on vacation. We want them to be grateful and humbled by the gift of travel but also appreciate the work ethic it took to allow us to take a week away.
Now we’re ready to hit the road and go soak up some sun, waves and sand castle making.
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