Your Home Productivity Bundle- Intentional Home Tool
Intentional Living

Your Home Productivity Bundle-Intentional Living Tool

When I started this blog I knew I wanted to offer tools to help make homes thrive. I let the idea marinate for months, until I came to the realization that I wanted to offer something tangible. Everyone is saying the same thing. “Doing life, managing a household, and making a difference is hard!”

This is Why PINEdaisyHOUSE is Here

When I got married I didn’t know how to menu plan or make a task list that actually got done; I had no clue how to budget for a home project. Through trial and error I worked insanely hard to create a productive home, one where I wasn’t constantly feeling the pressures of Pinterest and my family could find rest under its roof. I devoured articles about menu planning, zone cleaning, and home organization. I read books on organizing and got my bachelor’s degree in it even! My heart is that you don’t have to go through as many trials as I did. PINEdaisyHOUSE exists to help, in this small corner of the internet, I want to offer tools for your home to help you live intentionally.

Your Home Productivity Bundle

And wouldn’t you know, I sat down to write it all down..and it POURED out of me.

Your Home Productivity Bundle- Intentional Home Tool

I remember myself when I was newly married, or as a new mom, or the first year I taught full-time. I was harried, rushed, and lacked inner peace. This bundle would have been a complete game changer for me. But you know what else? We were making a lot of intentional choices during that season of our life too. Part of those choices meant we were pretty tight financially. If that’s you, I want to celebrate your choice. You can buy this bundle on July 9 for $4.99.

Anyone can use this bundle. I have a sweet friend who plans to use it as a teaching tool with her young adult daughter. I know another, who is just looking for a little breath of fresh air to add to her already thriving home. Another sweet friend, a newlywed, is excited to use this. Wherever you are in life, Your Home Productivity Bundle is a celebration of the work you are already doing to create an intentional living space that is life giving and full of peace.

What’s Included

The bundle includes three parts, a list maker, meal planner, and project planner. I’ve found these three areas to be what drives my home the most. The bundle itself is 15 pages. Each portion includes a description of how I use it and some ideas to really make it successful. Next, are printable worksheets for you to use in your household. I know 15 pages sounds like a lot, I’m micromanaging the printer cartridge too. If you want to get to the thick of the bundle just print pages 3-14 or print the worksheet portions only. I’ve worked really hard to make it beautiful, because… why not? Keep it on the kitchen counter, posted on the fridge, or in your command center at home.

Start an Intentional Living Movement

There you have it. My heart poured out to you on 15 pages. My only request, use it, love it, stain the pages with tomato sauce, and don’t forget to fold the shopping list like an accordion. Then once you’ve done that, share this page. Post pictures to your instagram account using the hashtag #tryintobeintentional and let’s create a community of people who are striving for more meaning in their life. Tell your friends, stop new moms in the grocery store and show them your cute grocery list (okay maybe that would be weird…but you get the point). Let’s start a movement of intentional living cultivators who are not going to settle for rushed and harried anymore. Instead let’s be a people who are purposeful, who are living for the beautiful moments not simply reacting to life.

Let this bundle act as your grounding point to more domestic freedom and household creativity.

And so Intentional Home Cultivators, I dedicate this to you. I pray this Intentional Living Tool be the first of many. I’ll do my best to remind you on the 9th, but don’t forget Your Home Productivity Bundle will be here, ready for help.

With hope for you and your intentional home,


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