Cabin fever Sweatshirt
Colorado Life,  Guides and Reviews

Cozy Clothes at the Cabin

During this season at home I find myself in a new kind of teaching apparel everyday, cozy clothes!

Lounge clothes is the name of the game!! I’ve found a few articles of clothing that can easily and comfortably go from remote teaching, to lunchtime walk, a quick drive-thru coffee run in the afternoon, to even an essentials trip to the grocery store in the evening.

One of the most important things I’ve done for my morale during quarantine and working from home unexpectedly is invest in personal fitness and a few comfortable articles for my wardrobe.

Here are the most recent items that I’ve enjoyed or have had my eye on.

A Lightweight Robe and House Shoes

One of the silver linings of this season is the time I’m able to spend in the morning going a little slower. My pace isn’t as hurried and I can enjoy my cup of coffee slowly as the world wakes up. I splurged on this robe for mothers day, it’s the softest, coolest perfect fabric for the warmer months of the year. And what a beautiful floral pattern (shoppable link below).

Comfortable, Cozy, Sweatshirts

This time of year is typically known for chilly morning and evenings with warm afternoons in Colorado. I have loved adding a few cute and cozy sweatshirts to my wardrobe for easy layering. Here are few of my recent favorites.

Cozy Lounge Pants and Leggings

Due to the nature of teaching right now I find myself sitting much more than I ever have before. I’ve been forcing myself to get up and move more to try and stay active. So comfy pants that I can move, stretch, hop on the bike, do a quick walk, or play with the dogs in are a must. These three pairs of pants fit the requirement perfectly!

Glorified Pajamas

Since I can’t justify wearing pajamas everyday, these cozy clothes come pretty darn close. Ha! They strike the right balance between cozy and cute at the same time.
I’ve built an easy shoppable post for you too.

Just click the image below to shop any of these items.

Click the image to shop!!
The links included are affiliate links.

Where ever this season finds you, I at least hope you are wearing cozy clothes!

With hope of your and your intentional home,

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