Simple Relief for Plantar Fasciitis
Guides and Reviews,  Teaching

Simple Plantar Fasciitis Relief

Do you struggle with heel pain that is attributed to plantar fasciitis? I, along with many others, have struggled with searing pain in both my right and left plantar. I’d love to share some ways I have found relief.

Before I continue please know, I’m not a physician. I have however done my research and with the help of a physical therapist gotten myself on the road to being practically pain free from plantar fasciitis inflammation.

Pain for me occurred in the back of my heel pad and was worst in the mornings. Once I started having regular reoccurring pain in the back of my foot pad (heel area) I began my research to see if I needed to head to the doctor. Thankfully, with help from my sister-in-law who is also a physical therapist, I was able to manage the issue with footwear and lifestyle changes. If you are worried or don’t know about plantar fasciitis check out this great explanation.

*This post includes affiliate links.

Plantar Fasciitis Showed Up

During the school year I regularly walk about 8,000 steps a day. I always thought that through the day to day rhythms of being a teacher I’d maintain enough healthy stamina and muscular fitness to keep foot issues away. Even investing in quality footwear couldn’t completely combat heel pain. Sadly, in March of 2019 after years of teaching plantar fasciitis showed up.

With the help of my sister-in-law Physical Therapist and personal research I found two critical ways to combat the pain and get on the road to wellness.

Stretching and Simple Fitness

Yoga and stretching have been the two biggest helps to the physical pain of Plantar Fasciitis. I started out simply with 15 to 20 minutes of easy yoga a few times a week and I added in some specific stretches to help. The stretches were easy enough to do on my lunch break and made a big difference. This specific video, while a few minutes long, is the most comprehensive explanation of plantar fasciitis that I’ve heard and the stretching that goes along with it is wonderful.

Beginning a regular schedule of stretching and yoga put me on the road to wellness. Strengthening my leg muscles and core, allowed me to carry my entire body weight more appropriately. After a year of faithfully committing to stretching and yoga (with sporadic breaks here and there), COVID-19 quarantine brought with it the opportunity to start prioritizing my wellness again. Now I’m able to work out on our stationary bike and do core exercises as often as I want. But to begin I started with the stretching and yoga work.

Footwear and Shoe Insoles

The second most power tool I employed to help my plantar pain was specifically with a heel seat found on amazon. It is small enough to fit into my low profile shoes and sneakers yet powerful enough to support the issue. I followed the directions as outlined and am grateful to have found such a simple, low-cost, orthotic insert. I personally have the gel heel seat and find that is washes under running water easily. It also doesn’t leave any residue in my shoes.

Also, with each new pair of shoes I buy I now consider my plantar issue. I’ve rounded up some of my finds in this easy shoppable post.

Just click on the image below!

Today’s post is short and sweet, with the desire to help if you are experiencing heel pain like I was. The pain can sometimes creep back in but I’ve found simple ways to manage it and in the process I’ve gotten to know my body better. The self-care of fitness and appropriate orthotics is what made all the difference for me. Here’s hoping if you are struggling with heel pain caused by your plantar fascia it puts you on the road to wellness too!

With hope for you and your intentional home,

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