How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe
Building a capsule wardrobe is much easier than you think. Follow these simple, affordable, steps to get started.
Clean Out your Closet
You might remember last spring when I purged bags of clothes, shoes and purses. Storage is prime real estate at PINEdaisyHOUSE and it was time to take control of my wardrobe again. I also said goodbye to my late 20s wardrobe. I needed to get realistic about the body I’ve been given in my 30s. So I said farewell to beloved articles of clothing that I might someday fit in again for more space, more self-love, and more strength in my identity. No more holding on to extra things simply because they are cute or might fit again. If the article of clothing didn’t fit or I didn’t love it, goodbye. It was crazy how freeing the entire experience was. It was so much more than just cleaning out my closet. In the end, I whittled my wardrobe down to about 20 curated pieces for each season. Fall and winter went into storage while I continued to wear and pare down what I had left in my spring and summer capsules over the course of a few months.
Just yesterday I got out my fall capsule and did another clothing purge.
This releasing of the old making room for something new and even embracing less is an ongoing process friends.
I plan to purge the ‘ol hangers during every seasonal wardrobe transition, it’s surprisingly good for the soul.
Be you, Don’t Feel Compelled to Conform
If you want to be a capsule wardrobe purist go for it! I personally couldn’t justify the expense and wasn’t interested in getting rid of everything but my staples to restart my wardrobe. I mean Cha-Ching right?! So I just pared down my wardrobe to my top 20 for each season, keeping my transition and staples separate. Remember my definition?
A Capsule Wardrobe is a collection of essential clothing items you wear throughout one season. It’s a small wardrobe of styled pieces you absolutely love. Ideally, everything coordinates and you are never at a loss for something to wear.
The last sentence is key to capsule wardrobe success. So my number one rule, any piece I buy is either a replacement or will currently fit within the capsule I’m pulling from. Now you may feel like that’s too much of a hurdle right now. I did last spring, so I just started with items I loved and stopped at my set number of 20. As I look to my fall wardrobe I’m getting better at considering every purchase through the lens of my current capsule. Will it coordinate with at least 5-7 existing items? Is it a replacement piece? Then the all too challenging question; if it’s not a replacement piece am I willing to exceed my number of 20 clothing items? And 98% of the time my answer is yes, because I know I’ll be doing another purge at the end of the season. Also some of my current items may wear out between now and then.
Invest in Wardrobe Staples
One of the best ways to get the biggest bang for your buck is to invest in long-lasting wardrobe staples. To qualify as a staple in my closet I must be able to wear it with over half my wardrobe. My two favorite staples are pictured here.

I wear these two items weekly almost all year. They are great for layering in Colorado. Currently on my list, is a great investment pair of jeans. The ones I have my eye on are not a quick buy so for now I’m happily wearing a few pairs I snagged on deep discount at Kohl’s. It’s a process friends, so do what you can over time.
Another staple I invested in last year were boots. I invested in a pair that can be re-soled at a cobbler if needed. Thanks to good ‘ol Amazon I found them at a decent discount. I viewed them as an investment and plan to oil, wax and repair them as needed for years to come.

Budget Each Season for a Few on Trend Pieces for your Wardrobe
We both know it, we’re going to spend the money anyway right? So why not be intentional about what staples you are buying so in the long run it will allow you to buy some on-trend pieces each season? This fall colors like plum, mustard, mauve, and olive-green are gracing the clothing racks. So allow yourself to keep your wardrobe current by shopping the sales and buying a few current items to add to your capsule. Here are a few things I’ve snagged so far this season.
Build your Wardrobe with Confidence and Ease
Recently I started sharing more of my wardrobe building process by putting together flat lays. I’ve been sharing them to my Instagram feed (ootd highlights) for the past few weeks and have enjoyed the feedback. Many have asked how I know what colors to combine. The truth is, when you don’t have much to choose from the process of outfit making forces you to get creative. Oh and Pinterest has been a huge help. You can go to my capsule wardrobe board and see for yourself. I’ve spent the last few years trying to make the most of my current closet and pocketbook by combining colors, prints, and items I already have to make fun new outfits. I just shop my closet.
No matter where you are with clothing storage, capsule wardrobe creation, or even your journey to a better self image perhaps some of this process has helped spark ideas. As women, fashion plays a huge role in our life. What we wear and how we feel about our appearance is really important. When I embraced the idea of less is more and settled-in to only keeping articles of clothing I love, I became more at ease with my appearance. I’d love to hear where you are in your clothing journey. Are you in need of a good ‘ol closet purge? Does your wardrobe need a complete overhaul? Are you ready to start capsuling? Tell me in the comments!
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