Fall Porch Decor~ 5 Tips For Any Style
A beautifully decorated porch is a welcoming sight! But a beautifully decorated fall porch really does beckon the bounty of the season.
Decorating my porch for each season is one of my absolute favorite things to do. I love trying new ideas each year, switching things around and stretching my outdoor decor muscles as the weather changes. Here are my 5 tips to a beautiful, intentionally decorated porch.
Understand Your Space Requirements and/or Limitations
This might sound like a no brainer, but it’s really important. Pay attention to things like weather exposure, walking space on your porch that shouldn’t be obstructed by decor, the surface you’ll be decorating (Will it be too slick in the rain or ice for your decor to withstand it?) and finally consider the street-view (decorate with big pieces) and driveway view (decorate with medium to smaller pieces) factor.
Fall Porch Decor Design
Before you head to the store to stock up on pumpkins and mums, decide on your design. Listen, I love buffalo check as much as the next girl, but it wasn’t in my design this year so I didn’t snag all the deals as much as I wanted to. I spend a fair amount of time looking through magazines and pinterest getting inspiration before I make up my mind too. I love this part of the process, the anticipation is really fun!
Shop your Home for Fall Porch Decor
I say this all.the.time on Instagram and here on the blog. If more ideas or decor are needed, shop your house first! Do NOT go to the store until you have inventoried your home decor stock. If you store items well and carefully you won’t need to restock as heavily each year. Plus you may create fresh combinations with the items you already have, giving them new life. This isn’t really a secret but it’s my go-to for every season. I have one box for each season’s decor… Well, except Christmas. It stays safely in storage nine months a year and feels like my birthday when I unbox it each year. I always find pieces I’ve forgotten.
Bring On The Fall Porch Goodness
Bring me all the pumpkins, mums, and corn stalks! Well yes, this is the part where the magic happens, but since you have been super intentional you’re going to stay within budget, and be really purposeful with your design. I’m not exaggerating when I say, “I love it all!” Cinderella pumpkins, plaids and buffalo check, classic, rustic harvest bounty. I really do adore fall decor but, like you, I simply can’t decorate with every style every year. Last year I embraced Cinderella pumpkins, burlap, and a rickety wagon, it was so fun! This year my design is classic fall decor with oranges, yellow, and reds coupled with the harvest bounty of pumpkins and gourds.
Stretch your Decor Muscles and Decorate with Intention
I have found with each new project I’m flexing or stretching my decorating and DIY muscles. This year I spent more time researching decor trends trying to marry them with the essence of the rustic farmhouse style already imbedded at PINEdaisyHOUSE, I love the result. One new element I invested in this season, lanterns. I don’t know what took me so long! You saw one as the centerpiece to my table and now they are scattered up and down my porch. Lanterns are a four season decor element I can use in or outside. Brilliant! So whatever your challenge is, embrace it. Perhaps you want to incorporate various textures for the first time, or try to pattern mix. Maybe you want to use some bright colors to accent the items you already have. Whatever it is, have fun taking the time to determine how this one project can improve not only the aesthetic of your welcome mat but also your sense of design.
Remember, loving the space you live in is as much about stewarding the blessing of your home as it is caring for the people you love. A thoughtfully decorated space makes your family feel more loved and cherished. Renters and home owners alike can celebrate the bounty of all we have to be thankful for this season. Try it, I bet you’ll be happy you did.
With Intention,
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