Back to School Tips
Kids and Parenting

3 Tips for Back to School

There is so much to do during the back to school season! As I enter my 10th year in the classroom and 15th as a parent here are my best tips to embrace the season with joy, excitement, and anticipation.

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Help Your Children Transition

Last year around this time I wrote a blog post on how to help kids prepare for new beginnings. Helping children adjust to changes in their life is an important skill that will carry them through adulthood.

Taking time to process with your kids, no matter the age, about the upcoming school year is important. It will help them embrace change in a healthy way. Recognize that an appropriate amount of anxiety is normal. Allowing your kiddos to be heard will help them navigate through some of the unsure waters of the weeks ahead. My post from last August walks you through great questions to ask your child. It also explains how to process the upcoming weeks with them.

School Supply Shopping Early

We all know shopping early for Christmas has its benefits. Well, school supply shopping is no different. In late July, once the shelves are stocked I typically take a shopping day trip with each of my kids, separately. I love spending a separate afternoon with each of my children. It gives me a great chance to ask questions, listen, and process with them.

There were years when I was able to order a school supply kit too which made a huge difference! Now that my kiddos are older they don’t mind the shopping process. Plus they’ve grown in their tastes and particular ways of studying.

Our freshman in high school loves keeping all his papers in a trapper-keeper style binder. He doesn’t mind the bulk and benefits from the peace-of-mind he gets from having his papers all in one place. So we make sure to get him one or two (because they may wear out).

Our 6th grade daughter loves to have everything color coordinate. She enjoys getting all her supplies organized and labeled (like me much?). This year she was excited to pick out, design, and purchase her first academic planner.

Check out some of her back to school items below:

  1. Mustard Tunic. 2. Academic Planner. 3. Lace Trim Shorts. 4. Geo Print Backpack. 5. Floral Jersey Dress. 6. Grade School Sneaker 7. Utility Jacket

Back to School To Dos

Getting all the back to school to dos finished as early as possible helps you as a parent stay completely present in the season too. Doctors appointments, sports physicals, medication refills, school account updates and class schedules can seem overwhelming. There is so much to remember! To help ease this strain I wrote a Back to School Checklist. I combined my organization expertise and my knowledge of the back school season (from teaching) to help ease your “parental strain” All you’ll need to remember is the camera!

I love the anticipation of a new school year. It’s such a great season filled with fresh beginnings and new goals. In my opinion, and I know I may be biased, I think it’s one of the best times of the year!

With hope for you and your intentional home,

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